Your Feedback Matters: Shaping the Future of Ctrl-Bar!

Your Feedback Matters: Shaping the Future of Ctrl-Bar!

At Greenmission, we highly value your insights, and we've created a dedicated space on Canny for you to share your thoughts and wishes to enhance the Ctrl-Bar experience.
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Hallo Ctrl-Bar entusiast! 

At Greenmission, we highly value your insights, and we've created a dedicated space on Canny for you to share your thoughts and wishes to enhance the Ctrl-Bar experience. Join us on shaping the future of Ctrl-Bar!

Why Your Feedback Matters:

Your input directly influences the evolution of Ctrl-Bar. It was your feedback during production that for example led us to upgrade from 4 to 6 buttons. We're committed to listening, and your satisfaction is our priority.

Join the Greenmission Community:

Our community, including passionate Tesla enthusiasts like you, is at the core of Greenmission. Your opinions count, and we want to hear what you have to say. Share your experiences and ideas to inspire ongoing refinement of our products.

What's Coming Up:

Exciting enhancements for the Ctrl-Bar are in progress, including new features and accessories. OBD integration is just around the corner, along with other fantastic additions. Get ready for a Ctrl-Bar experience that exceeds expectations!

How to Share Your Thoughts:

Visit Canny to contribute your ideas, suggestions, and feedback on the Ctrl-Bar.

At Greenmission, we're on a collaborative journey, and we're grateful to have you on board. Let's shape the future of Ctrl-Bar together! 

Explore Ctrl-Bar Enhancements

Drive safely and thanks for the feedback, best from all of us at Greenmission!🚗💚